ByeBirds: Repelente ecológico de aves

10 Tips for installers

1. The most important thing is to place ByeBirds in the nest site and prevent them from nesting again.

2. In general, the space between the plates should not be larger than the wingspan of the bird.

3. Larger birds such as gulls and crows require more product per container (>30g).

4. To deter sparrows apply Byebirds in a continuous straight line approximately 1 cm thick.

5. The more birds there are, the more ByeBirds and the shorter the distance between them. It is normal that within the same job it is necessary to apply different substances.

6. If the problem is large, decide whether to apply two or more parallel ByeBirds lines.

7. Each installation site is different and needs to be considered and studied taking into account environmental and structural conditions.

8. If you notice that after 2 weeks there are still problems with the treated area, add more ByeBirds in that area.

9. Birds do not eat ByeBirds, if there is no product in the container it is because they have taken it impregnated in their feathers and legs.

10. Avoid installation on rainy days so that there are no problems of fixing with the silicone and to prevent the containers from falling.

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